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Fuel Reduction Management Program

Through an annual funding agreement between Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) and Placer County, grant funds are to be expended to perform fuel management activities that support a reduction in potential fire in the Middle Fork Project (MFP) area. This area is a critical forested watershed and protection of it is of paramount importance. The MFP is a multi-purpose water supply and hydro-generation project designed to conserve and control waters of the Middle Fork American River, the Rubicon River, and several associated tributary streams. The location is generally located in the Tahoe National Forest and private land well above the community of Foresthill and continues down the American River near the community of Auburn.

Beginning in 2014 and for the duration of the federal license for the MFP an annual amount of funds will be made available to organizations that propose projects or have programs that 1) have a direct nexus to the project area and 2) show the potential to reduce fire danger through some form of fuel management projects. There are applications, matching fund requirements, agreements and documentation results that must be met in order to be eligible to receive funding awards.

Learn More

For more information regarding this program, visit Fuel Reduction Management Program on Placer County's official website.

FMFRP Partners tour Exploring a meadow that was discovered after thinningFrench Meadows Forest Restoration Project (FMFRP) Partners explore a meadow that was discovered after thinning during a tour
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