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Policies & Protocol

General Financial Policies

These General Financial Policies provide a framework to guide the Middle Fork Project Finance Authority's decision-making with respect to financial activities and financial planning. They address budget, capital planning, reserves, net revenue distribution and other related financial policies for the Authority.

General Administrative Policies

The purpose of the General Administrative Policies is to establish basic administrative policies for Authority operations, providing guidance for the effective discharge of its responsibilities. The policies address three operational areas: Administrative Procedures, Grants and Loans, and Public Reporting.

Project Operations Protection Policies

The purpose of the Project Operations Protection Policies is to assist the Middle Fork Project Finance Authority Board of Directors, and management by establishing basic equipment and operating protection policies for the Authority operation, thus providing guidance for the effective discharge of its responsibilities generally to Placer County Water Agency. Two activities; physical asset management and project emergency operations are critical obligations of PCWA and as such should well-defined and reviewed annually.

Energy Marketing Oversight Policy

The Energy Marketing Oversight Policy provides for a joint County/Agency Energy Marketing Oversight Working Group (EMOWG) that will guide the oversight function. The EMOWG will report directly to the Executive Director and Secretary of Finance Authority. The EMOWG will ensure key elements of the Finance Authority energy marketing goals and objectives are continually met. It provides a framework for County and Agency staff to work together, exchange and review information as a coordinated staff, develop strategies related to market performance, develop metrics and reporting guidelines, prepare for future market sales, and ensure that any current or future market conditions and regulations are adhered to in both policy and practice.

Investment Policy

The Investment Policy is intended to provide guidelines for the prudent investment of the Middle Fork Project Finance Authority's (Authority) funds and outline the policies for maximizing the efficiency of the Authority's cash management system. The ultimate goal is to enhance the economic status of the Authority consistent with the prudent protection of the Authority's investments. This Investment Policy has been prepared in conformance with all pertinent existing laws of the State of California including California Government Code Sections 53600, et seq. The Authority is a Joint Exercise of Power organization established to serve mutual interest of the County of Placer and Placer County Water Agency, approve future electrical sales, maintain appropriated reserve funds and distribute net revenues.

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